3 Tips For Properly Maintaining A Septic Tank
It is perfectly understandable that the average homeowner doesn't give much thought to their septic tank. After all, virtually all residential septic tanks are located underground, so it's easy to forget just how important a properly functioning septic tank is. If you're curious about things you can do on a regular basis to maintain your tank and keep it from giving you problems, take a look below for some of the best tips around.
Don't Waste Water
Most people know that wasting water isn't environmentally friendly, but most aren't aware of how crucial proper water use is to maintaining a healthy septic tank. If you use too much water at any given time, the septic tank will become overloaded, and won't be able to separate solids and liquids. Putting your septic tank through too much strain will inevitably lead to bigger problems, so be wary of chores that use a lot of water, such as multiple large loads of laundry.
Only Flush Biodegradables
It's easy to forget about just how many things we use on a daily basis are not biodegradable. Easier still is to flush these things down the toilet or wash them down a drain without a second thought. But one of the most important things you can do is be aware of what not to flush: diapers, tissues, cat litter, paper towels and grease are just a few of the most often flushed items a septic tank shouldn't be forced to handle. It may be easier in the short term to get rid of the aforementioned items by flushing them down a drain, but it will cause expensive problems in the long run if done repeatedly.
Get Your Tank Pumped
Even if you take good care of your septic tank, it is still a smart idea to have it professionally cleaned and pumped with some degree of regularity. Of course, the amount of time you can let go by without having it pumped depends on a number of factors, but once every two to three years is a good estimate. If you have a large household that uses a garbage disposal fairly often, you may need to have your tank pumped more often, but a household with just a couple of people who are conscious of their water use can wait up to five years between pumpings. Contact your local septic tank cleaning service for a more tailored estimate.
Talk with a company like Ace Sanitation Service for more tips.