What You'Re Doing Wrong With Septic System Maintenance
Plenty of homes and offices have a septic tank to handle their waste. Septic tanks are a great option and can even be made eco-friendly, but you can't just flush and hope for the best. Septic tank mishaps can be a costly disaster. If you're in charge of handling septic tank maintenance, don't make these common mistakes.
Not Pumping
Many people think that their septic tank will mostly take care of itself, but that's not true. You need to pump your septic tank on a regular basis. Some will tell you once a year as a generic rule, but that's not entirely true. How often you need to pump your tank depends on its make, age, and size, as well as how many people live in your home. If you aren't sure how often you should be pumping, consult your septic service provider.
Pumping too Much
On the other hand of the coin is pumping too frequently. If you find that you need to pump your septic tank frequently, this is probably covering up a larger problem. Call you plumber if you need to pump frequently, but be sure not to pump your septic tank before they arrive.
Not Considering Other Appliances
Many people think that their septic tank only handles their toilets, but that's not true. Your septic tank handles the runoff from most of your appliances, including your garbage disposal and washing machine. Consider how often you use all of your appliances when figuring out how often you need to pump.
Not Calling a Professional
Septic tanks are complex pieces of machinery, which means they often need expert care. When you're experiences trouble with your septic tank, you should call a professional right away to avoid a small problem becoming a money pit. A plumber can also provide routine maintenance and advice on the best septic tank practices and products.
Flushing Tampons
Maybe the biggest destroyer of septic tanks is feminine hygiene products. Septic tanks work by utilizing good bacteria to break down your waste. Feminine hygiene products simply can't be broken down this way. Not only will they build up in your septic tank over time and disrupt the bacterial balance, but they can even clog your pipes.
Your septic tank can be your best friend or worst enemy, it just requires proper care. There's a lot of misinformation floating around about septic tanks, so be sure to consult a septic services professional if you're having problems with your septic system.